

  • Low insertion loss
  • Wide wavelength range
  • Easy disassemble,self-replacement,winding fiber
  • 产品详细信息

The mechanical three-ring polarization controller


Product description


The mechanical three-ring polarization control is based on the principle of Birefringence produced by optical fiber under external force. The three rings are equivalent to λ/4, λ/2 and λ/4 wave plates, respectively. The light waves passing through λ/4 wave plates are converted into linearly polarized light, and the polarization direction is adjusted by/2 wave plates. Finally, the polarization state of linearly polarized light is changed into arbitrary polarization state by/4 wave plates. The delay effect produced by the birefringence effect is mainly determined by the cladding radius of the fiber, the fiber ring radius and the wavelength of the light, the adjusted polarization state can cover the entire poincare sphere.   

Application area


  • Single mode to polarization-maitaining fiebr
  • Polarization-related loss measurement.
  • Polarization-sensitive device application
  • Fiber lasers
  • Fiber interferometers


Product structure diagram


Schematic diagram of polarization controller



Relationship between single-loop delay and wavelength , number of loops in polarization controller.(Test unit: fiber loop diameter 40mm, fiber cladding diameter 900µm)

For example: Polarization controller fiebr loop fixed diameter of 40 mm, the cladding diameter of 900µm of tight-sheathed fiber around in the ghost.

When λ=1550nm , and loop number =1 , the ring is equivalent toλ/2 wave plate.

When λ=1550nm , and loop number =3, the ring is equivalent to 3λ/2 wave plate


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